"It can even show the names of our team members. It seems that this prop level is not low!"

When he found such a detail, he suddenly liked this prop and sighed, "If only this thing were me!" "
However, the reality is changed by this slight sigh, and Ling no longer entangles the ownership of this prop, and remotely directs his team to accurately strike the enemy team.
At this time, before he could find a more favorable target, he saw that the radar green mark was at the same time and retreated and gradually withdrew from the radar monitoring range!
"It seems that they know that this radar range is interesting."
At this time, Ling’s interest in this’ miniature battlefield radar’ suddenly decreased a lot. He threw a Grenade at the bottom of this radar and never looked back.
Before he walked out of the distance, there came a muffled sound, apparently a Grenade explosion.
This’ miniature battlefield radar’ has thus simplified several pieces and completed its final mission.
After crossing the central street, Ling officially embarked on a journey to push the enemy’s birth point. This street is the right one of the two main roads leading to the enemy’s birth point.
This road is about 7 meters wide, and many craters are full of gravel residues. Some huge stone walls and thick stone pillars are obviously the key targets of the attack.
According to the virtual stereoscopic image given by the former system, this main road should be about 1 km long, but this road has more than 15 dense branches and paths! !
At this time, Ling passed through two branch roads and approached the third intersection leading to a small road. He could tell intuitively that there was an ambush here!
Can warn him to slow down immediately, and his nerves are tense at this moment.
Then he raised his gun and entered the combat state, looking for the enemy member who ambushed him through the rifle tactical guide nano scanner.
Gradually, he got closer and closer to the intersection, but he still didn’t scan the expected figure. This result made his eyebrows slightly wrinkled. "Is there something wrong with my intuition?"
Although he has some doubts, he still firmly believes that his intuition is right. This intuition has been trained through several bloody fires. It is an unparalleled gift to have radar acumen in close combat.
This ability not only enabled him to survive many fatal potential dangers, but also enabled him to find this person who could threaten his life in a very short time.
But from the present situation, it may be because the game can’t perfectly make this special ability.
"It seems that it is still comfortable for too long."
A slight sigh in the heart, then he made a slight adjustment and re-entered the fighting state.
Suddenly, the hair on his back bristled.
At this moment, the already tense nerves once again compressed and occupied his body command. This time, he clearly felt the murder, and this murder was only less than ten meters away from him! !
"Come! !”
At this time, his senses become more sensitive, so that he can clearly distinguish his target situation in the battlefield with heavy gunfire.
"Three people! !”
At this time, all the information in this path was instantly brought up in his mind, and it was completely presented in his mind. At this time, he skillfully took out a shocking bomb and counted it and threw it into this path for a while.
"bang! !”
A crisp rumbling ling clung to the intersection wall and launched a quick and decisive attack on those three targets.
It took him less than a second from finding the target to aiming and shooting to the third bullet passing through the last target’s head! !
He didn’t continue his journey until he confirmed that the target in the three pools of blood was dead.
Ling killed these three enemy members, and now they have less than one living person.
Glancing at the whole panel, Ling couldn’t help but shake his head slightly and sigh, "The pace of this battle is a little slow. It’s been almost 1 minute before six people have been eliminated!"
In my heart, I care about it. Ling feels that I need to speed up some, otherwise this time, I may end up with disproportionate gains when I fight.
In order to avoid this situation, Lingxian woke up to all of his own people.
A few minutes later, he came to the center of this main road. At this time, he glanced at the battle panel. I don’t know when the enemy members lost two people.
Here he once again felt the latent danger, but the number was a little large, and one person was impressively dispatched! !
"They hold action? Judging from their footsteps, their formation is quite neat, and their leader should have received formal military training. "
At this time, he is quietly close to the wall of this intersection, but his premonition is getting stronger and stronger as time goes by. "Is their goal me?"
After a minute or two, Ling clearly felt that they personally seemed to have a definite goal, and their actions were well-organized, and the situation was slowly gathering towards Ling’s place.
"You really I am soft persimmon pinch powerless! !”
Ling corners of the mouth slightly glance sharp eyes flashed a cold mans heart silently count on fingers.
Chapter 17 Stealing chickens?
The encirclement has gradually formed, and it is also true that the hair behind him is upright and strong, and the nerve crisis is quietly approaching him by stimulating him.
At this time, his eyes were sharp and he gently pulled the bolt, and then he took a high-explosive Grenade from his vest. His left thumb and finger held the buttoned rifle and waited quietly.
Just when Ling thought he was ready, he suddenly felt a stab in the back. "What else did I neglect?"